Mi foto
La estructura del proyecto se basa en la idea de la autobiografía. Un archivo de eventos fugaces y efímeros, actos cotidianos, relaciones que se forman a partir de fotografías y textos. El individuo necesita el reconocimiento de su diferencia frente a la intención masificadora de la sociedad contemporánea, y es conciente de su existencia a partir de la relación con su entorno, con la comunidad de la que forma parte. La interioridad, la privacidad y la intimidad se exponen en el espacio de lo público. El autorretrato se forma a partir de mi relación con el otro, partiendo de la base de que mi identidad se construye interactuando con ese otro y con la esfera de lo social. La obra, siempre en proceso, se convierte en un work in progress, en una obra abierta e inacabada, que se continuará creando con la acumulación de registros y comentarios de los distintos sujetos de las comunidades de Internet.

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

24 de setiembre de 2014,miércoles. Luna Nueva.

Inauguró la Bienal de Montevideo. Llegaron las invitaciones de la galería para la exposición en Hannover.

In der Ausstellung "Juego de Munecas / Puppenspiel" treffen zeitgenössische Künstlerinnen aus Montevideo (Uruguay) auf Künstlerinnen aus Hannover:

Ana Aristimuño, Alejandra González Soca, Teresa Puppo, Jacqueline Lacasa und Elian Stolarsky, Ilka Theurich, Anja Steckling, Maria Fieseler-Roschat und Yasemin Yilmaz hinterfragen gesellschaftliche Rollenbilder der Frau.

am Freitag, den 17.10. 2014 um 20:00 Uhr
Performance von Ilka Theurich ab 20:00 Uhr

am Freitag, den 07.11.2014



This project proposes a reflection on femininity, on the boundaries and links between personal and historical memory that travels between memory and fiction. These interaction nodes function as common topics in the paths of these five artists, who perform a collective curatorship.
Juego de Muñecas was conceived from a borderline, from the boundary between fantasy and reality, and it overlaps multiple levels and readings. Games refer (enable) us to many points of intersection, where roles and rules are put into action in order to take part of the production space. The game is seen as a collective construction space, with the possibility of questioning, evaluating, re-signifying and changing, as a place of resistance, of subversion and of affectionate and loving encounter.
We integrate to this construction a remote and polysemic intermediary object. Toys, fetishes, illusions, magic items, containers of affections; dolls are part of our memory, of our construction as women, and they confront us with a primary area of expectations, projections, findings, rites. We use the possibility of disassembling and reassembling that memory, of diving into research so as to disorder it and then build it again, discovering archaic experiences and memories so as to meet up again and catch a glimpse of ourselves, to play our game with our own rules.
The constructions made from these images, molded and adapted, are a record of memories that are not only personal but also socially collective. The proposal is to reframe -from a playful and personal point of view- a feminine imagery associated with structures that change according to the processing, the reworking, and the collective discussion. (...)
Our aim: to be able to present a feminine conception from our artistic perspectives; to open the discussion about a matter that is not always taken in account. A body of work that seeks emotional impact and reflection on the part of the beholder. Our images arise from different works to tell stories and force us to enter into contact with their presence.

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Kötnerholzweg 51
D-30451 Hannover

Sa. – So., 14 – 18 Uhr
Besuche außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten können telefonisch vereinbart werden:

0177 / 612.46.70 (Martin Wolfstein)
0160 / 881.129.97 (Nils Schumacher)
0511 / 44.03.02 (Maria Fieseler-Roschat)


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